Registration for Master’s Thesis I
Gallatin will send an email to your adviser to confirm their approval of your plans to register for Master’s Thesis I and your plan for the semester’s work. Once we receive adviser approval, Gallatin Student Services will send you the codes that you need to register. Please note that it is your responsibility to follow up with your adviser about approving your registration.
Course Goals and Format
In Master’s Thesis I, you will complete the basic research for and begin drafting the thesis. During the semester when you are enrolled in Master’s Thesis I, you will:
- attend the mandatory information session at the start of the semester (held on Zoom)
- immerse yourself in the relevant scholarly discourses and literatures and begin drafting the thesis;
- meet with your adviser at least four times to consult on the content, logic, organization and methods for the thesis;
- participate (not required but strongly recommended) in the Works in Progress or Raw Forum event organized by the Gallatin MA Program. If you choose not to present, we ask that you please attend the event to support your colleagues.optional) present your work in progress to a faculty panel and your peers at the Works in Progress or Raw Forum event organized by Gallatin at the end of the semester.
- submit at least 15-20 pages of draft material to your adviser by semester's end. Students creating an artistic thesis should have made a firm start on the artistic work by the end of MTI.
Master’s Thesis I Plan for Work/Syllabus
Students are expected to work with their advisor on a schedule for the semester. Please fill out the proposed schedule in the table below with four dates during the semester and with what you will produce or accomplish for each internal deadline. Dates of the four meetings can be approximate and should be spread out throughout the semester. Once you submit this schedule through this form, it will be sent to your adviser for their review. We will also talk more about making a manageable work plan in the mandatory information session before the semester begins.