The Rationale
The Rationale should include a discussion of the proposed topics of your Colloquium and some of the central works on your List of Works. For more information about the content of the Rationale, please see the Rationale web page.
The List of Works
In putting together the List of Works, students should think about works that have had a significant impact on their thinking and those that were important to their courses. Most importantly, students should talk to their adviser about works that may be relevant to the topics they plan to discuss in their Colloquium.
Before submitting the List of Works, students should consult the List of Works Guidelines and Suggestions web page for guidelines about how to organize it and indicate which texts fulfill the various requirements.
The list should consist of the kind of texts, art works, objects, music, or other materials students have encountered in their studies. What matters most is that these works be significant for your inquiry. Normally, students should avoid how-to manuals, self-help books, and most textbooks unless they plan to engage critically with these genres.
The list must include works that indicate the student's having considered questions across geographical, historical, cultural, and political perspectives. Works must be drawn from more than one single region of the world.
Consisting of 20 to 25 items, the List of Works is divided into four categories. Please verify that your list includes works from the categories listed below.