Internship Proposal

Instructions for completing this form

Undergraduate Students

  1. Please be familiar with Gallatin internship policies and Gallatin internship requirements
  2. This form will be sent to the email you enter for your adviser, (or course instructor for Embedded Internships). You must follow up with your adviser (or course instructor for Embedded Internships), to make sure his or her approval is submitted to Gallatin by the proposal submission deadline.

Graduate students

  1. Please be familiar with the graduate Internship Guidelines.
  2. This form will be sent to the email you enter for your adviser. You must follow up with your adviser to make sure his or her approval is submitted to Gallatin by the proposal submission deadline.

Student Information

Adviser Information

Internship Information

Internship Details

Internship Description



What do you hope to learn through your internship?  Address two or more of the following objectives, keeping in mind that these may change throughout the semester

  1. Expanding knowledge or testing theories (furthering your education in a field)
  2. Gain professional skills (i.e. teamwork, communication, etc)
  3. Build specific technical knowledge or skill sets within a field
  4. Explore an industry or a field (i.e. see what it’s like to work in a specific sort of setting)
  5. Develop a professional network
  6. If other objectives, please specify

Note on Tuition and Credit

Please Note

  1. Internships are credit-bearing non-classroom courses and, for this reason, tuition and fees for an internship course are generated in the same way as they are for a classroom course and are based on the number of units for the internship course. 
  2. Students may take a maximum of 24 units in internship during their course of study at Gallatin.