Colloquium Registration

Have you submitted your Rationale and List of Works?

Student Information

In 90 characters or less, succinctly title your Colloquium using appropriate capitalization. If you choose to title your Colloquium, your submitted Colloquium title will appear on your transcript.

Committee Information

The colloquium committee consists of your adviser and one other faculty member. At least one member of your committee must be a full-time Gallatin faculty member.  If you are having difficulty finding faculty members for your committee, please contact your senior class adviser.

Are you requesting a 3rd committee member?

Colloquium Date and Time

Colloquium Date and Time

I have confirmed the following date and time of my colloquium with both committee members to ensure that everyone can attend. I understand that changes to this date and time will necessitate the submission of a new registration form
Colloquium Modality

Colloquium Modality

Students should consult with their committee members to determine the modality for the Colloquium (remote, hybrid, or in person). Gallatin will reserve rooms for hybrid or in-person Colloquia. If a Colloquium is conducted in a hybrid or remote mode, the faculty adviser should circulate a Zoom link to all remote participants.

Please note: the majority of in-person Colloquia are held in faculty offices or in spaces of a similar size. Larger space cannot be guaranteed.
I have confirmed the following modality for my colloquium with my faculty adviser and all committee members:
All committee members will attend remotely
All committee members will participate in person
Hybrid of remote and in person - choose this option if your adviser will participate in person
Hybrid of remote and in person - choose this option if your adviser will participate remotely

The Colloquium is a discussion between the student and two faculty members, including the student’s adviser, of the student’s List of Works, of the relation of these works to the student’s concentration, and of issues and concepts that have arisen in the student’s studies. The Colloquium is supported by the Rationale and List of Works and need not be supported with electronic visual media. Therefore, Colloquia are often scheduled in the office of a Gallatin faculty committee member. On occasion, the student must rely on electronic visual media. In those cases, the rooms that may be available for these colloquia are equipped to display media from the internet, DVD (not Blu-ray), flash drive through a MacMini, or directly from the student's laptop/iPad (if the student brings the cables) on a large wall-mounted flat-screen monitor with built-in speakers. The equipment is not Bluetooth enabled.